Wednesday 17 April 2013

If you go down to the woods today...'re in for a big surprise...
Suddenly everything is in flower, from the last of the wild daffodils to the first bluebells and early purple orchids. 

Today I saw violet, wood sorrel, wood anemone  celandine, stitchwort  ramsons, speedwell, hairy bitter cress, bluebells and orchids all within the space of a few feet. Some of the wetter bits are clothed in golden saxifrage and the marsh marigolds are just coming into flower too. I suspect spring will really be just that - a tight coil of flowerings which explodes and is gone within weeks. We'll have to be quick to make the most of it now.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Day-flying bat

Despite the cold temperatures, the sunshine has brought out enough insects for one Noctule bat to emerge from hibernation. We had a lovely sighting in our garden yesterday in full daylight. It made it so much easier to identify.

I wasn't quick enough for a photo, but here is one from the BBC's website + link.