Sunday 10 June 2012

Southern Marsh Orchids

In the wet meadows and marshland these robust orchids are now in full flower. And in my garden too - I am lucky enought to have a small colony which has increased from one or two plants to 16 this year.
If you are in Hartland, the best place to see these is on the road verge just above Norton Farm, or alternatively in the lower valley that runs up through Milford Common from Speke's Mill Mouth.

I did a lovely walk with Jacqui and Rob last week; visitors to Hartland, they are keen walkers who organise Yoga Retreats. The next one is scheduled for October - check out their website

Sunday 6 May 2012

Monday 9 April 2012

Stoke Barton Farm Walk

Thank you to all those who came on the walk at Stoke Barton Farm. We concentrated on spring greens and tried out various different edible plants while walking, including; Alexanders, Hogweed, Sorrel, Dandelion, and Ground Ivy. We talked about differences in leaf shape and grouping plants, particularly the umbellifers and about country uses of some of our most common landscape plants like Gorse and Soft Rush.
Thank you also to Helen and Colin who allowed us to walk over their land and helped discuss field names and set-aside.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Local woodland

Yellow is the colour of Easter which will soon be upon us. Early spring flowers are often yellow a colour said to be attractive to the insect pollinators at this time of the year.

Marsh marigold in Hartland woodland

A walk in our local woods has revealed many of these just coming into flower such as Lesser celandine, Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage, Marsh marigolds and of course Primrose.

Marsh marigolds are thought to be some of our oldest plants; they survived the ice age!